Europe - A new Approach
JuniorVoting aims at a creating a European network of and close cooperation between all institutions and organisations that are implementing the JuniorVoting project in their countries alongside the European Election 2009. JuniorVoting gives new meaning to word 'European Union' by realising the largest European school project parallel to the European Elections 2009.

On the one hand this means introducing organisations to one another that have already successfully implemented this project in the past, and on the other hand encouraging new organisations and institutions in the various countries that have not yet participated in the JuniorVoting project.
This project can only happen if all participants combine their strengths and energies. This requires the willingness and commitment of all parties: the institutions and organisations in all European countries that want to implement JuniorVoting just as much as the European Parliament, the European Commission, governmental institutions or foundations.
Only through joint effort can the idea be realised!